Monday, March 14, 2011

Wagon ride around the pedestrain bridge Kartanegara

Wagon or carriage, means of transportation by horse-drawn society is, generally only found in Java, especially in the province of Jogjakarta. However, Tenggarong City and surrounding communities do not need all the way to go to Yogyakarta, if you just want to feel this horse-drawn carriage ride. Because in Tenggarong even now there are two wagon operating in two places attractions in Tenggarong namely at the Museum and the Pedestrian Bridge Mulawarman Mahakam Kartanegara.
"The gig in Tenggarong an initiative of the Business Partner Jaya Tenggarong owner, who tried to attempt this gig in the city of Tours," said the coachman gig Tugimin when found was hung in the Pedestrian Bridge Tenggarong.
According to him, like the tourist towns in other areas, tourists will surely come if there is a lot of gig because it could be a charm, especially the local tourists. In addition to seeing existing attractions, tourists also want to look unique in an area. Because the wagon and the horse is not popular in this area, it certainly will attract tourists to come to Tenggarong, and try to ride wagon. He hopes, a gig in Tenggarong can become its own attraction for tourists to travel to Tenggarong, while also supporting Tenggarong City as the City Tour.
"Hopefully this gig, can be an attraction for the City Tour Tenggarong," please Tugimin original Solo.
According to him, in general the wagon ride is the children, they are interested in trying the same gig and curious horse. Understandably in Tenggarong no horses and usually they only see on TV. Children who ride much asked about horses, from their home to their feed. Rates go up gig, said Tugimin for adults USD 10 thousand, and the kids pull USD 5 thousand once, around the pedestrian park.
Touched maintenance of horses in Tenggarong, Tugimin said, because the existing horses come from Jogja, so maintenance is not difficult and does not need special treatment, unlike the horses that come from abroad.
"Because horses Indonesia, quick to adapt. Feed was not hard, grass and grows in Tenggarong, still fit to eat horse, "said delmannya Tugimin which operates at 16.00 until 19:00 pm each day.

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