Since the 16th century, Makassar was the dominant trading center of eastern Indonesia, and later became one of the largest cities in Southeast Asia. Makassar kings adopted a strict policy of free trade, in which all visitors to Makassar right to conduct commerce there, and refused to attempt the VOC (the Dutch) to obtain monopoly rights in the city.
Makassar amazing achievement this year is the participation sertaannya represent Indonesia to compete Insight Clean City Awards Environmental or Sustainable Environment City (ESC), the ASEAN level. Makassar will compete with ten ASEAN member countries plus the six countries of East Asia and the Pacific. Namely, India, China, Japan, Korea, Australia and New Zealand. Actually sponsor seven cities namely Indonesia Surabaya, Palembang, Padang, Makassar, Balikpapan, Pekanbaru, and Central Jakarta. However, when the verification data, and Pekanbaru, Makassar and have better data completeness and most ready. Makassar related to readiness, it also is supported by the predicate of Makassar who have obtained a certificate from the Blue sky Ministry of Environment in 2008.
Quoted from :http://www.indo-tourism.com/makassar-10-metropolitan-cities-in-indonsia.html
Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tour
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