Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Last China Town

Not to mention that Chinatown Singkawang is a true calling in Indonesia. Of the total population who reach 190 thousand inhabitants, nearly half are ethnic Chinese. While on its land area of ​​50 thousand hectares of the 600 temples stood, until the city is also nicknamed the City of Thousand Temple. Hence, do not be surprised if every Chinese smelling ritual, call it Chinese New Year and Cap Gomeh, always celebrated very lively, far more lively than the other Chinatowns throughout Indonesia.

Referring to his birth certificate, official Singkawang name pinned on 1981. First, about the 18th century, this coastal city is a place-prevention persing mine workers from Guangdong province in southeast China. They often call Singkawang "San Kew Jong". centralized location of gold mines in Monterado (said to be the local pronunciation of the mine sites in America, Mount Eldorado). The Sultan of Sambas imported Chinese workers because it is considered more influential pages and excel in mining technology. Until now, the people of China are still often come, but not as a gold hunter, but the nomads and traders. I visited Singkawang when its citizens Cap Gomeh busy preparing the celebration, a ritual that was held 15 days post-Lunar New Year and has entered the national cultural calendar. I am not alone. Hundreds of tourists from out of town and abroad are also coming up to make all fully occupied hotel rooms. through Cap Gomeh, at least once a year, Singkawang name echoed in the national stage.

BEACH rehearsal brown sandy stretches in western Borneo. Palm that grows straight and curved into the fence that separates it from the mainland. Singkawang collected many beautiful beaches, among them Beau Pasir Panjang in the south, Palm Beach, and Coral Bay in the north. As in the Pacific Islands, the beaches here are also covered with giant granite boulders. Geologically, these granite rocks formed from magma clots acid type, which lifted to the surface by the force of compression for thousands or even millions of years. tropical air and forging them, to make it beautiful chunks like menhirs in the Asterix comics. Above the sea looks calm ranks of tiny islands that seemed to be a gateway to South China, 3,000 kilometers to the north. Fishing boats anchored off the coast. Their boats painted colorful outrigger for deliberately not equipped to move swiftly in the ocean. The engine designer Don Feng 15 pk, a small capacity that is only fit to sail the seas near the coast.

Source : JalanJalan Magazine

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