Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Berhala Island

Experiencing the adventure in Berbak National Park, you’d better put a trip to Berhala island on your list.
The enchanting white sandy beach with volcanic rocks await you. It takes 2 hours from Sungai Lokan by pompong or 30-45 minutes by speedboats. It depends on the weather. It will take about one hour if you take a speedboat via Nipah Panjang.

This island occupies more than 100 hectares and has slightly slope beach with white sand on the west. Along the west coast lies huge rocks and corals that make the island a perfect place for leisure activities. There’s a lighthouse to guide the ships sailing on Berhala Strait in order to avoid steep coral cliff in the east. Its sea possesses breathtaking underwater view with a great variety of sea plants and colorful fishes. When there’s no tide you can walk around the island in two hours.

One thing that made this island a transit place for traveling ships in the past because there was a fresh water well near the coast line which still exists until today.

Furthermore, if you are lucky, a lot of seagulls will fly over your boat as if they are escorting you.
The existence of a five-meter long canon and several smaller others prove that yhis island was once occupied by the Japanese navy. According to the local people, there were more cannons to watch over the enemies.

Quoted from :

Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tours

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