The park contains water catchment areas shielded from urban populations an agricultural areas to the north,as well as several endangered animals and rare birds.
Its mountain tops reach 1,929 metres and are often mist-shrouded, while its valleys are thought to hide much that remains to be discovered.Mount Salak is a critical water catchment area for its very high rainfall.The lower zones hold secure populations of the endangered West Javan Gibbon (Hylobates moloch moloch) - a sub-species of the Silvery Gibbon. Mount Halimun is its most secure habitat, but its range is restricted to a thin ring around the park as the species is not found above 1,200 metres.Javan Lutung (Trachypithecus auratus), and other endemic species are evident; about half its 145 known bird species are rarely seen elsewhere in Java.
Quoted from :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Halimun_Salak_National_Park
Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tours
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