For one serving you will need a soup bowl's full of boiled white rice.
The basic ingredients are: onions, garlic, sweet soy sauce, chilly and strong chicken broth. A good alternative for chicken broth are beef or chicken cubes. According to taste you may add a handful of dried shrimps (ebi), or meat, fish, some leek or a combination of all.
Preparation: cut the onions and garlic and deep fry them in a wok together with the chili (either chili paste or crushed fresh chili peppers) and the other ingredients. Add the broth. When most of the broth has evaporated, add the rice, stir well and finally add some sweet soy sauce.
Serve in a deep plate with a fried egg and fried chicken. Decorate with slices of cucumber, tomato, and some salad leaves.
The best drinks to go with nasi goreng are tea or coffee. In summer ice tea is a good option.
quoted from : http://indonesia-ok.com/recipes.htm#semur
Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tours
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