Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Javan Trogon

With their colourful plumage and typical posture, the trogons are a highly distinctive group of birds (3). The Javan trogon is an extremely attractive species that stands out from most other Asian trogons by not being predominantly red in colour. Instead, this species has bright blue-green upperparts, starkly contrasting yellow underparts, and a pale grey-green band stretching across the chest (2). The tail is a vibrant blue, while the head is a yellowish-green with a red bill and a blue eye ring of naked skin (2) (3). The sexes are similar in appearance, although the female is somewhat duller and has narrower and slightly more buff wing bars (4). Trogons are highly adapted for life in dense forests, with short, rounded wings and long tails that provide excellent manoeuvrability in flight. The legs are short and stubby, while the toes are arranged for grasping onto branches, with the first and second digits turned back, a characteristic unique to the trogons (3).

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Supported by : JavaTourism, Lintang Buana Tours

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