start: 23 Mar 2011 Until: 27 Mar 2011
As the BaliSpirit event celebrates its third year of existence, news of its magic has reached every corner of the world. Not only does the festival bring together celebrated musicians, yogis and dancers from every continent, but it has also become a magnet for fans, students and followers of every calling. The Fourth Annual BaliSpirit Festival will take place in Ubud, Bali from March 23-27, 2011.
Held over 5 transformational and fun-filled days, this annual celebration brings to Bali a wealth of talented and respected creative masters from around the world, merging the indigenous and rich cultures of Indonesia into the spirit of learning, collaboration and the celebration of creative and spiritual diversity.
Holding the spirit of ancient Balinese wisdom Tri Hita Karana: harmony with God, harmony with the community, and harmony with nature, the BaliSpirit Festival awakens and nourishes each individual’s potential for positive change within, leading to positive change in homes, in communities, and ultimately in global societies around the world.
Set in the spectacular grounds of the Purnati Center for the Arts in Batuan, just 10 minutes south of Ubud, the daytime workshops and Dharma Fair enjoy a venue unmatched for its tropical beauty and gentle energy. Grassy knolls and palm groves provide peaceful breakout spaces while the pavilions are perfect for yoga and dance workshops. This year, the global music concerts take place in Ubud to allow easy access for visitors and locals.
This unique series of concerts features and knits together the distinctive traditional rhythms of Africa, Indonesia and Australia with the contemporary music of the rest of the world.
The festival will feature world class Yoga masters including: Twee Merrigan, Danny Paradise, Mark Whitwell, Olop Arpipi, Uma Inder, Prem Carlisi, Louka leppard, Anand Singh, Denise Payne, and many more. Musical performers include many talented names from all around the globe, among them are: Debu, Ayu Laksmi, Susu Ibu and Cudamani from Indonesia; Delhi to Dublin, Suzanne Teng, Chris Berry and Sirenz from USA and Canada; Saritah, Kevin james and Dr. Adrian H. Hearn from Australia; Los Pinguos from Argentina, and Filter Coffee from India.
For the dance and energy movement the lineup includes: Jocelyn Gordon, Ellen Watson, Nick Woolsey, Cloe Jackson, Daphne Tse, and Christina Monneron.
The festival will also feature some of the prominent names in meditation and healing, among whom: Ananda Leone, Carlos Pomeda, Michael Hallock, Vasumi, AwaHoshi, Amalia Wai Ching Lee, Sushan Movsessian, gema Summers and Sadhvi Bhagwati Saraswati Ph.D. For the special feature, the festival will bring His Holiness Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji as guest star.
The BaliSpirit Festival is indeed a celebration -- of the richness of culture, the sanctity of the environment and harmony between peoples of all nations. “An extraordinary celebration of global cultural fusion, the true magic of The BaliSpirit Festival is the seamless melding of cultures and genres, there is no sense of us and them, just a sense of unity” (Insight Bali Magazine). As an event of such significance, The BaliSpirit Festival is surely an event you cannot afford to miss.
Source :
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Monday, February 28, 2011
Introducing Indonesia Part 2 : Banten
Banten, once a powerful maritime capital rivaling the vast Javanese Mataram Empire, is today a fishing village with an illustrious past. The Capital City of Banten Province is Serang. Old Banten is one of the well known historical objects, only 10 km from the town of Serang. In this site, we can find a lot of remains of Islamic Banten Kingdom, founded between 16 and 18 century.
During the reign of Sultan Agung (1651-1683), Banten experienced its golden era. Unfortunately when Sultan Agung of Banten fell, the Dutch began to take over.
Banten Kingdom was an Islamic one and remnants of this mighty kingdom can still be found in this area. Most notably Mesjid Agung, this mosque dated from the 16th century still stands today. It shows the beginning of Islamic architecture.
Soekarno Hatta International Airport is the main access to Banten. It also can be reached by car or motorbike through a route of Jakarta – Serang. This is the coastal area where the Dutch formerly landed to trade.
People & Culture
The local people are called Sundanese, pious folks who sometimes believe in the age old ways. Their local dialect is also called Sundanese.
Sundanese food is perhaps suitable for most people because it tends to be bland yet tasty. Just make sure you don't take the sambal--chili sauce, that is--if you dislike spicy food. Try sate bandeng Banten, one of the specialties here. It's made of milk fish. The flesh and bones are removed, the outer skin is used as shell for the milk fish flesh, mixed with certain spices. This dish is then roasted then served. It can last for several days' time. The taste is somewhat sweet and tasty.
Tourism Office
Jl. Raya Serang – Pandeglang Km. 4
Komplek Tembong Indah No. 1, Serang
Phone: (62 254) 219836
Fax: (62 254) 219836
Source :
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Sandra Dewi Ikut Indonesia Exploride di Bangka Belitung
INDONESIA Exploride akhirnya tiba di Bangka Belitung. Kali ini, acara yang berkonsep menjelajahi Tanah Air untuk mengungkap wisatanya ini ditemani artis cantik Sandra Dewi.
Konsep program menjelajahi Indonesia lewat petualangan yang dilakukan Wulung Damardoto (Ungki), seorang bikers dan sahabatnya Aditya Birawa (Ditto), kameramen dan fotografer. Nah, hasil perjalanan keduanya berkeliling tanah air bakal direkam dan didokumentasikan oleh tim melalui video, foto dan jurnal Wulung beserta rombongan tiba di Kota Bangka Belitung pada 26 Februari.
Pada kesempatan yang ketiga, tim Indonesia Exploride berpetualang Bangka Belitung, setelah dari Lampung dan Palembang. Di sini dua sahabat ini mengunjungi warung atau tempat makanan khas Bangka. Dalam kunjungan ke Bangka, artis asal Provinsi Bangka Belitung, Sandra Dewi ikut terlibat.
Sandra Dewi bersama dengan dua sahabat ini, Ungki dan Dito mengunjungi warung Fina dan martabak manis Afui, Pangkalpinang.Di warung Fina, dua sahabat ini bersama dengan Sandra Dewi mencobamencicipi kekhasan makanan Bangka. Seperti martabak, mie ayam bangka, dan bakso serta pelepas dahaga segelas es teh manis.
"Program ini semoga dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi kita dan juga Indonesia, bahwa mencintai budaya dan kekhasan daerah adalah harta yang tak ternilai harganya. Apapun bentuknya kebudayaan asli Indonesia menjadi ciri kita. Untuk itu kita harus menjaganya dan mencintai kelestarian budaya kita dan juga mengembangkan kuliner kita,"ungkap Wulung seperti rilis yang diterima okezone.
Namun sayang, petualangan mereka di Bangka kali ini hanya satu hari.Dalam Indonesia Exploride, mereka harus melanjutkanperjalanannya ke daerah lainnya dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 18.000 KM atau 279 point menggunakan sepeda motor. Memang perjalanan yang melelahkan dan penuh tantangan. Namun menurutnya Indonesia Exploride salah satu tugas untuk mempromosikan wisata dan budaya daerah.
"Ke depannya mempromosikan daerah dengan menggunakan sepeda motor. Di negara lain sudah banyak dilakukan. Ini bukan karena saya seorang rider. Tetapi lebih kepada mempromosikan daerah-daerah yang ada di Indonesia,"katanya.
Sandra Dewi artis ibukota asal Bangka Belitung yang tak lupa dengan kampung halamannya, mengatakan Bangka Belitung memang memiliki cirri khas tersendiri. Bahkan makanannya pun memiliki keunikan yang tidak kalah menariknya dengan daerah di Indonesia lainnya.
"Semua makanan di Bangka ini saya suka. Kalau pulang ke Bangka ini ya, cari makanan khasnya, otak-otak, mie, martabak, sea food. Hampir semuanya saya suka,"ujar Sandra Dewi. Indonesia Exploride yang hadir di Bangka ini menurut Sandra Dewi sangat bagus. Dengan demikian akan mempromosikan budaya Bangka, makanan khasnya dan juga pantainya yang indah mempesona.
"Acara ini sangat bagus. Bisa mempromosikan daerah kita. Dengan acara ini masyarakat dari daerah lain jadi tertarik untuk datang ke sini,"ungkapnya.
Sumber :
Didukung Oleh : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Konsep program menjelajahi Indonesia lewat petualangan yang dilakukan Wulung Damardoto (Ungki), seorang bikers dan sahabatnya Aditya Birawa (Ditto), kameramen dan fotografer. Nah, hasil perjalanan keduanya berkeliling tanah air bakal direkam dan didokumentasikan oleh tim melalui video, foto dan jurnal Wulung beserta rombongan tiba di Kota Bangka Belitung pada 26 Februari.
Pada kesempatan yang ketiga, tim Indonesia Exploride berpetualang Bangka Belitung, setelah dari Lampung dan Palembang. Di sini dua sahabat ini mengunjungi warung atau tempat makanan khas Bangka. Dalam kunjungan ke Bangka, artis asal Provinsi Bangka Belitung, Sandra Dewi ikut terlibat.
Sandra Dewi bersama dengan dua sahabat ini, Ungki dan Dito mengunjungi warung Fina dan martabak manis Afui, Pangkalpinang.Di warung Fina, dua sahabat ini bersama dengan Sandra Dewi mencobamencicipi kekhasan makanan Bangka. Seperti martabak, mie ayam bangka, dan bakso serta pelepas dahaga segelas es teh manis.
"Program ini semoga dapat menjadi inspirasi bagi kita dan juga Indonesia, bahwa mencintai budaya dan kekhasan daerah adalah harta yang tak ternilai harganya. Apapun bentuknya kebudayaan asli Indonesia menjadi ciri kita. Untuk itu kita harus menjaganya dan mencintai kelestarian budaya kita dan juga mengembangkan kuliner kita,"ungkap Wulung seperti rilis yang diterima okezone.
Namun sayang, petualangan mereka di Bangka kali ini hanya satu hari.Dalam Indonesia Exploride, mereka harus melanjutkanperjalanannya ke daerah lainnya dengan jarak tempuh sekitar 18.000 KM atau 279 point menggunakan sepeda motor. Memang perjalanan yang melelahkan dan penuh tantangan. Namun menurutnya Indonesia Exploride salah satu tugas untuk mempromosikan wisata dan budaya daerah.
"Ke depannya mempromosikan daerah dengan menggunakan sepeda motor. Di negara lain sudah banyak dilakukan. Ini bukan karena saya seorang rider. Tetapi lebih kepada mempromosikan daerah-daerah yang ada di Indonesia,"katanya.
Sandra Dewi artis ibukota asal Bangka Belitung yang tak lupa dengan kampung halamannya, mengatakan Bangka Belitung memang memiliki cirri khas tersendiri. Bahkan makanannya pun memiliki keunikan yang tidak kalah menariknya dengan daerah di Indonesia lainnya.
"Semua makanan di Bangka ini saya suka. Kalau pulang ke Bangka ini ya, cari makanan khasnya, otak-otak, mie, martabak, sea food. Hampir semuanya saya suka,"ujar Sandra Dewi. Indonesia Exploride yang hadir di Bangka ini menurut Sandra Dewi sangat bagus. Dengan demikian akan mempromosikan budaya Bangka, makanan khasnya dan juga pantainya yang indah mempesona.
"Acara ini sangat bagus. Bisa mempromosikan daerah kita. Dengan acara ini masyarakat dari daerah lain jadi tertarik untuk datang ke sini,"ungkapnya.
Sumber :
Didukung Oleh : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Menyusuri Keindahan Pulau Kodingareng Keke
Pulau Kodingareng Keke merupakan salah satu dari 11 pulau yang berada dalam wilayah Kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan (Sulsel). Pulau yang menjadi andalan wisata Kota Makassar ini, terletak di sebelah utara Pulau Kodingareng Lompo dan berjarak 13,48 kilometer dari Makassar.
Bentuk pulaunya memanjang dari timur laut hingga barat daya.
Pada sisi selatan pulau, pantainya tersusun oleh pecahan karang yang beraneka ukuran hingga berbentuk kerikilan. Sedangkan pada sisi utara pulau ini terhampar pasir putih yang berukuran sedang sampai halus dan bentuknya berubah mengikuti musim barat dan timur.
Untuk menuju Pulau Kodingareng Keke ini dari Kota Makassar, tidak tersedia transportasi reguler. Namun wisatawan dapat menyewa perahu motor carteran (sekoci) 40 PK di Popsa yang merupakan Kawasan Pantai Losari, Makassar. Dengan tarif Rp 300.000, sekoci tersebut dapat mengangkut sepuluh penumpang dengan biaya Rp 300.000.
Tidak tercatat adanya penduduk di pulau ini, namun dalam lima tahun terakhir ini terdapat beberapa bangunan peristirahatan bagi wisatawan. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut dibuat semi permanen dan dikelola oleh seorang warga negara Belanda yang telah menanam kembali beberapa pohon pinus. Pada sisi barat terdapat daratan penghalang yang terbentuk akibat proses sedimentasi yang tersusun atas material pecahan koral. Pada pasang terendah, terdapat dataran yang cukup luas, khususnya pada perairan sebelah barat, kedalaman laut mencapai lebih dari 20 meter. Perairan sebelah barat laut hingga 1,5 mil dari pulau, merupakan daerah yang cukup luas dengan kedalaman kurang dari 5 meter, sedangkan perairan sebelah timur dan selatan merupakan alur pelayaran masuk dan keluar dari Pelabuhan Samudera Makassar.
Fasilitas resort telah tersedia bagi yang membutuhkan akomodasi standar. Bagi mereka yang menyenangi snorkling, perairan di sekitar pulau ini merupakan tempat ideal. Kondisi terumbu karangnya terjaga dengan baik dan ikan-ikan karangnya membuat panorama bawah lautnya semakin asri.
Mereka yang tidak menggemari snorkling/diving, dapat menikmati hamparan pasir putihnya yang keindahannya tak kalah dengan Pantai Kuta di Bali. Selain pulau ini bersih dan terawat rapi, terumbu karang dan biota lainnya terjaga baik. Jarak pulau ini tidak terlalu jauh dari Kota Makassar, dengan perahu motor 40 PK, hanya dibutuhkan 40 menit untuk sampai di Pulau Kodingareng Keke. Waktu tempuh yang relatif singkat, menyebabkan lokasi ini menjadi primadona wisatawan mancanegara dari Kota Makassar untuk sekadar makan siang di pulau ini dan kembali pada sore harinya. Sementara bagi yang ingin menginap, dapat memilih cottage yang ada di pulau itu dengan harga yang relatif murah.
Tak heran, jika pada pasar wisata Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo (TIME) yang akan berlangsung pertengahan Oktober 2008 di Makassar, pulau ini menjadi salah satu paket tujuan wisata yang disiapkan bagi para buyers dari mancanegara.
Sumber : Harian Jawa Pos
Didukung Oleh : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Bentuk pulaunya memanjang dari timur laut hingga barat daya.
Pada sisi selatan pulau, pantainya tersusun oleh pecahan karang yang beraneka ukuran hingga berbentuk kerikilan. Sedangkan pada sisi utara pulau ini terhampar pasir putih yang berukuran sedang sampai halus dan bentuknya berubah mengikuti musim barat dan timur.
Untuk menuju Pulau Kodingareng Keke ini dari Kota Makassar, tidak tersedia transportasi reguler. Namun wisatawan dapat menyewa perahu motor carteran (sekoci) 40 PK di Popsa yang merupakan Kawasan Pantai Losari, Makassar. Dengan tarif Rp 300.000, sekoci tersebut dapat mengangkut sepuluh penumpang dengan biaya Rp 300.000.
Tidak tercatat adanya penduduk di pulau ini, namun dalam lima tahun terakhir ini terdapat beberapa bangunan peristirahatan bagi wisatawan. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut dibuat semi permanen dan dikelola oleh seorang warga negara Belanda yang telah menanam kembali beberapa pohon pinus. Pada sisi barat terdapat daratan penghalang yang terbentuk akibat proses sedimentasi yang tersusun atas material pecahan koral. Pada pasang terendah, terdapat dataran yang cukup luas, khususnya pada perairan sebelah barat, kedalaman laut mencapai lebih dari 20 meter. Perairan sebelah barat laut hingga 1,5 mil dari pulau, merupakan daerah yang cukup luas dengan kedalaman kurang dari 5 meter, sedangkan perairan sebelah timur dan selatan merupakan alur pelayaran masuk dan keluar dari Pelabuhan Samudera Makassar.
Fasilitas resort telah tersedia bagi yang membutuhkan akomodasi standar. Bagi mereka yang menyenangi snorkling, perairan di sekitar pulau ini merupakan tempat ideal. Kondisi terumbu karangnya terjaga dengan baik dan ikan-ikan karangnya membuat panorama bawah lautnya semakin asri.
Mereka yang tidak menggemari snorkling/diving, dapat menikmati hamparan pasir putihnya yang keindahannya tak kalah dengan Pantai Kuta di Bali. Selain pulau ini bersih dan terawat rapi, terumbu karang dan biota lainnya terjaga baik. Jarak pulau ini tidak terlalu jauh dari Kota Makassar, dengan perahu motor 40 PK, hanya dibutuhkan 40 menit untuk sampai di Pulau Kodingareng Keke. Waktu tempuh yang relatif singkat, menyebabkan lokasi ini menjadi primadona wisatawan mancanegara dari Kota Makassar untuk sekadar makan siang di pulau ini dan kembali pada sore harinya. Sementara bagi yang ingin menginap, dapat memilih cottage yang ada di pulau itu dengan harga yang relatif murah.
Tak heran, jika pada pasar wisata Tourism Indonesia Mart & Expo (TIME) yang akan berlangsung pertengahan Oktober 2008 di Makassar, pulau ini menjadi salah satu paket tujuan wisata yang disiapkan bagi para buyers dari mancanegara.
Sumber : Harian Jawa Pos
Didukung Oleh : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
CNN recommends KOMODO seas among Asia’s “10 most Spectacular Dive Sites”
In a recent article of 17 February on CNN Go, CNN selected the Komodo seas in Indonesia’s East Nusatenggara province amongst ten of “Asia Stunning Underwater Sites”. Besides Komodo, CNN also recommended three other Indonesia dive sites, these are the Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan, Raja Ampat in West Papua, and Tulamben in Bali, as among Asia’s “10 most spectacular dive sites”.
The Komodo seas within the Komodo National Park, is habitat to a variety of surfish, mantas, dolphins, eagle rays, pygmy seahorses, ornate ghost pipefish, blue-ringed octopus, “making this one of the most diverse and vibrant dive spots on the planet”, vouches CNN.
While Raja Ampat is described as having the highest recorded diversity of fish and coral species on earth, - an amazing 537 coral species and 1,074 species of fish. The Derawan Islands are unique with their stingless jellyfish here, whereas Tulamben is Bali’s most popular dive site where during World War II a Japanese torpedo sank the USAT Liberty, and whose wreck has today become a favourite dive spot.
As a matter of fact Indonesia has many more magnificent dive sites that were not mentioned by CNN. They include the Bunaken seas in North Sulawesi, famous for their dramatic vertical drop offs, the pristine Wakatobi and Takabonerate seas in Sulawesi, the sea gardens off Banda and Ambon in the Maluccas, and many more.
Source :
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Travel Information 2 : General Information / Tips
Timezone in Indonesia
Indonesia has three time zones—Western Indonesia Time which is GMT +7 (covering Sumatra, Java, Madura, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan), Central Indonesia Time which is GMT +8 (covering East and South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara) and the last is Eastern Indonesia Time which is GMT +9 (covering Maluku and Irian Jaya).
The capital Jakarta is GMT + 7 or 16 hours ahead of US Pacific Standard Time.
Office Hours
Office hours start from 8 AM to 4 PM, or 9 AM to 5 PM. Lunch break occurs between 12 noon to 1 PM. Usually offices are closed on Saturdays, including government offices.
Government office hours start at 8 AM and end at 4 PM.
Banking Hours
Bank in Indonesia
Standard banking hours are from 8 AM to 3 PM from Monday to Friday. However several banks open their branches in hotels (and some in malls) longer than office hour, a few are open on Saturdays so you might want to check first. Jakarta has a number of international banks, even though you can also exchange currencies in some hotel cashiers and official money changers.
Indonesian Money
The Indonesia Rupiah is also called IDR. Information of daily exchange rate can be found in newspapers or from the net. Some Indonesia banks provide this on their websites.
IDR and US$ are the most acceptable currencies.
Most tourism resorts have money changer facilities. When you are traveling to remote areas it is advisable to exchange your money and clear your check. Credit cards are only acceptable in big hotels, restaurants, shops and traveling agencies.
Electric Plug in IndonesiaElectric power supply is 220 volts in all regions. So be careful with your 110-volt electronic equipment. The sockets will only fit with with two pins rounded-tip plugs (technically known as Type C, E, and F) or use adaptors. Most hotels and many restaurants in large cities provide internet connections or free WiFi.
Source : JalanJalan Magazine
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Timezone in Indonesia
Indonesia has three time zones—Western Indonesia Time which is GMT +7 (covering Sumatra, Java, Madura, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan), Central Indonesia Time which is GMT +8 (covering East and South Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, Nusa Tenggara) and the last is Eastern Indonesia Time which is GMT +9 (covering Maluku and Irian Jaya).
The capital Jakarta is GMT + 7 or 16 hours ahead of US Pacific Standard Time.
Office Hours
Office hours start from 8 AM to 4 PM, or 9 AM to 5 PM. Lunch break occurs between 12 noon to 1 PM. Usually offices are closed on Saturdays, including government offices.
Government office hours start at 8 AM and end at 4 PM.
Banking Hours
Bank in Indonesia
Standard banking hours are from 8 AM to 3 PM from Monday to Friday. However several banks open their branches in hotels (and some in malls) longer than office hour, a few are open on Saturdays so you might want to check first. Jakarta has a number of international banks, even though you can also exchange currencies in some hotel cashiers and official money changers.
Indonesian Money
The Indonesia Rupiah is also called IDR. Information of daily exchange rate can be found in newspapers or from the net. Some Indonesia banks provide this on their websites.
IDR and US$ are the most acceptable currencies.
Most tourism resorts have money changer facilities. When you are traveling to remote areas it is advisable to exchange your money and clear your check. Credit cards are only acceptable in big hotels, restaurants, shops and traveling agencies.
Electric Plug in IndonesiaElectric power supply is 220 volts in all regions. So be careful with your 110-volt electronic equipment. The sockets will only fit with with two pins rounded-tip plugs (technically known as Type C, E, and F) or use adaptors. Most hotels and many restaurants in large cities provide internet connections or free WiFi.
Source : JalanJalan Magazine
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
As the first ever internet based travel marketing conference, the Indonesia E-Tourism Summit 2011 (IETS 2011) will bring Asia Pacific’s best practices to Indonesian travel industry.
The development of information technology and rapid growth of the internet has brought tourism industries into a new age of marketing strategies. IETS 2011 comprises of two editions of Summits, respectively held in Menara Peninsula Hotel Jakarta (Tuesday-Wednesday, 8-9 March 2011) and Aston Kuta Hotel and Residence Bali (Thursday-Friday, 10-11 March 2011).
IETS 2011’s main objectives are to enhance Internet usage for the online marketing strategy within tourism industry, as we see both Indonesia and the world are more and more exposed with it. IETS 2011 will be the place where industry experts meet with the Internet practitioners, making this Summit a fruitful and very Internet-savvy, sharing the region’s best practices to build on Internet strategy successes.
Within the IETS 2011, tourism stakeholders can gain Insights by learning from the top notch expert speakers, among them are: Vijay Verghese, Ric Shreves, Johaness Chang, Indira Abidin, Yussuf Ijssedjik, Eric Munoz, Perriz Azwir, and Rini Wulandari. This event will also be a perfect chance for any tourism stakeholders to enhance and present themselves by networking with other professionals in the same industry.
Experience the first and only summit in Indonesia covering the most important and strategic aspects of your organization. Be a part of this rare opportunity to get an insider’s view on the future direction of E-Tourism, 2011. As the development of the World Wide Web grows faster, now is the time to take your company to the next level and this is the turnkey event to help your Business practice to rise above in 2011.
Source :
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
The development of information technology and rapid growth of the internet has brought tourism industries into a new age of marketing strategies. IETS 2011 comprises of two editions of Summits, respectively held in Menara Peninsula Hotel Jakarta (Tuesday-Wednesday, 8-9 March 2011) and Aston Kuta Hotel and Residence Bali (Thursday-Friday, 10-11 March 2011).
IETS 2011’s main objectives are to enhance Internet usage for the online marketing strategy within tourism industry, as we see both Indonesia and the world are more and more exposed with it. IETS 2011 will be the place where industry experts meet with the Internet practitioners, making this Summit a fruitful and very Internet-savvy, sharing the region’s best practices to build on Internet strategy successes.
Within the IETS 2011, tourism stakeholders can gain Insights by learning from the top notch expert speakers, among them are: Vijay Verghese, Ric Shreves, Johaness Chang, Indira Abidin, Yussuf Ijssedjik, Eric Munoz, Perriz Azwir, and Rini Wulandari. This event will also be a perfect chance for any tourism stakeholders to enhance and present themselves by networking with other professionals in the same industry.
Experience the first and only summit in Indonesia covering the most important and strategic aspects of your organization. Be a part of this rare opportunity to get an insider’s view on the future direction of E-Tourism, 2011. As the development of the World Wide Web grows faster, now is the time to take your company to the next level and this is the turnkey event to help your Business practice to rise above in 2011.
Source :
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
G-Land is an internationally renowned surfbreak situated on the Bay of Grajagan, East Java, about half a day by road from the popular tourist destinations of Bali.
Plengkung is known as one of the best surfing beaches in the world. The word of “G” in “G-Land” derives from Grajagan, the name of the bay where the huge waves were found at the south of the Banyuwangi. It is surrounded by virgin tropical land forest. G-land offers the worlds most demanding surfing sport, and recommended for professional surfers only. May to October is the best time for surfing.
No doubt it is a world of surfer paradise. Most surfers start from Bali, take an overland to Banyuwangi and directly to National Park of Alas Purwo, G-Land or cross the Grajagan Bay to Plengkung beach where the waves challenge invite the surfers. However it is not recommended for novices.
The south coast of Java faces the Indian Ocean, so it is exposed to large swells generated by low pressure systems circling Antartica, many thousands of kilometers to the south. G-Land is situated on the eastern side of the Bay of Grajagan, so it has a westerly aspect; i.e. at rightangles to the predominant swell direction. As a result, swell wraps around the point and into the eastern side of the bay, producing long, walling left-handers, which peel at a rapid rate along a half kilometer stretch of shallow coral reef, forming perfectly hollow tubes that remain open the whole way.
The wind at G-Land blows offshore between the months of April and September, which also happens to be when the swells are at their largest and most consistent. Since the swells are generated by low pressure systems circling Antartica, their regularity coincides with the passage of these lows. So, the swell arrive in pulses, each lasting for a couple of days, with a couple of days between each swell.
Waves tend to be bigger and better at high tide, so it's best to plan a surf trip for the week following a full or new moon, since this is when the tide is high during the middle of the day.
Source :
Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
G-Land is an internationally renowned surfbreak situated on the Bay of Grajagan, East Java, about half a day by road from the popular tourist destinations of Bali.
Plengkung is known as one of the best surfing beaches in the world. The word of “G” in “G-Land” derives from Grajagan, the name of the bay where the huge waves were found at the south of the Banyuwangi. It is surrounded by virgin tropical land forest. G-land offers the worlds most demanding surfing sport, and recommended for professional surfers only. May to October is the best time for surfing.
No doubt it is a world of surfer paradise. Most surfers start from Bali, take an overland to Banyuwangi and directly to National Park of Alas Purwo, G-Land or cross the Grajagan Bay to Plengkung beach where the waves challenge invite the surfers. However it is not recommended for novices.
The south coast of Java faces the Indian Ocean, so it is exposed to large swells generated by low pressure systems circling Antartica, many thousands of kilometers to the south. G-Land is situated on the eastern side of the Bay of Grajagan, so it has a westerly aspect; i.e. at rightangles to the predominant swell direction. As a result, swell wraps around the point and into the eastern side of the bay, producing long, walling left-handers, which peel at a rapid rate along a half kilometer stretch of shallow coral reef, forming perfectly hollow tubes that remain open the whole way.
The wind at G-Land blows offshore between the months of April and September, which also happens to be when the swells are at their largest and most consistent. Since the swells are generated by low pressure systems circling Antartica, their regularity coincides with the passage of these lows. So, the swell arrive in pulses, each lasting for a couple of days, with a couple of days between each swell.
Waves tend to be bigger and better at high tide, so it's best to plan a surf trip for the week following a full or new moon, since this is when the tide is high during the middle of the day.
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Jamu power: Indonesia's Cure-All Elixir
Tucked deep in the heart of one of Indonesia's Yogyakarta markets, Ibu Siswu sits surrounded by bowls of herbal pulp, pots of elixirs and tiny coconut shell cups. After mixing the pulp in a brownish liquid she squeezes out the juice over a strainer. The result is a bitter-tasting tonic called jamu, a traditional herbal medicine venerated by Indonesians of all ages for its power to heal ailments or enhance one’s beauty, strength or stamina.
A young man wearing a t-shirt that reads, “They grow a mustache on you,” accepts the cup from Siswu and gulps down the cloudy liquid. His friend has a harder time, and winces with each sip.
Most teenagers prefer modern jamu capsules to the bitter tonics prepared by women such as Siswu. Her clients pucker their faces as they ingest the medicine, which is best taken immediately after preparation. Siswu scoffs at such cowardice: “Jamu should never be sweet,” she says.
An ancient tradition
The practice dates back to the time of the Buddhist empire that built Borobodur, and its association with the royal family, which popularized the drinking of herbal tonics, has added to its allure. Despite the loss of many traditions due to modernization, Indonesians still cling to their belief in jamu’s transformative powers.
Jamu makers often are elderly women -- Ibu being an honorary title meaning mother -- and jamu recipes vary from seller to seller. Most are highly guarded family secrets passed down over generations.
Other jamu makers in Prawirotaman market sell the herbs used as the base for the tonics. One woman has packets of powder that can be added to water for use in baths or skin masks. Her most interesting novelty, however, is ampo, or “healthy earth,” which comes from the nearby province of Bantul. Replete with high mineral deposits, the earth is finely sliced, rolled, dried and roasted, making it a favorite snack among older women.
Disease control and fertility aid
The tonics cover nearly every infliction imaginable -- from easing labor to increasing strength to treating coughs and fevers and protecting children from disease. Mothers give jamu to their children from the time they start walking, and even animals benefit from these elixirs, since farmers feed the used pulp to their cattle.
Ibu Siswu sells mostly to women who come to shop at the market (the most popular drink is one that aids breast milk production). Men tend to visit more modern jamu shops, which stay open late and sell pre-packaged versions of jamu. These shops specialize in medicine that increases one’s sexual drive and virility. The popular brand Kuku Bima, or “nail of the god” drives up men’s sperm count; while empot-empot helps women recover their sexual drive, and according to the box, “give something more than what is expected by a husband.”
Much like a doctor-patient relationship, people return to the jamu seller whose methods they trust. Because the ingredients are fresh and all natural there are few side effects aside from the occasional upset stomach. Over the past few decades, however, home industries have sprung up to supply modern jamu shops, and these require government licensing.
Marlina Movitasari, who runs tours of Yogyakarta’s jamu markets, says some traditional methods have become increasingly scarce -- not out of a lack of respect, but because fewer youths are learning the technique of making jamu from their elders. But if the number of customers Ibu Siswu sees each day is any indication, jamu’s popularity is still thriving.
More on Jamu
A few of the most common herbs in Jamu and their uses:
* Turmeric = for detoxifying, to curb snoring, to ease menstrual cramping and reduce body odor.
* Galangal = for seasickness and sore throat. Singers often drink concoctions with this root to keep their vocal cords performing at top notch.
* Ginger = for detoxifying, morning sickness and to warm the body, improve circulation.
* Lemongrass = for alertness, to stop gum bleeding and repel mosquitoes.
* Tamarind = for constipation and to improve skin softness.
* Sulfur = for rashes and itchy skin. Also used frequently in beauty products.
Source : Travel Club Magazine
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Kawasaki Still Confident With Ninja 250 R
Kawasaki a few days ago finally launched its flagship motorcycle in the sport class, CBR 250 R.
Facing the emergence of rivals in that segment, PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) said he did not flinch, and still feel confident with its flagship product, Ninja 250 R.
"I think people, even most of the cities across Indonesia have been so familiar with Ninja as the motor that fast and good quality, and imagenya strong enough," said President Director of PT KMI Shigeyo Ikemoto when found JAKARTA, Jakarta.
It is also shared by the National Sales Manager of PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia (KMI) Freddyanto Basuki, "We do not consider them enemies. Due to the presence of CBR 250 R I think actually will make the market more developed. instead of a cake fight, but so even enlarge the pie that already exists. "
"With this much choice, consumers also will learn how to choose a motor based on their needs," said Freddy.
PT KMI raise this year Ninja 250 R sales target of 15,000 units, up about 3,000 units sold compared to last year's 12,000 units.
Honda CBR 250 R itself comes with engine capacity 249 cc single-cylinder cleaner, who uses a supply of fuel injection.
While Kawasaki Ninja comes with the same engine capacity, which is equipped carburetor fuel supply system, however the Ninja uses two cylinders that produce more gahar sound, but good to hear.
Kawasaki Ninja 250 sold at USD 46.5 million. While Honda CBR250R removed at Rp 39.9 million for the standard type and USD 46.5 million for that use features anti-lock brake system (ABS).
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Sunday, February 27, 2011
Civilization of Caveman at Leangleang
SIGNS of very old civilization stored in Leangleang Prehistoric Park. It is not ancient fossil, but the wall paintings in cave. Some archeologists estimate, the paintings made about 5,000 years ago. The paintings looks very beautiful.
Location of Object
Leangleang located at Bantimurung District, Maros Regency, Sout Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Leangleang is a part of hundreds of prehistoric caves in the Maros-Pangkep rocky hills. Leang in Makassarese language means cave (Indonesian language: liang, which means hole).
Tourism objects such as Leangleang Prehistoric Park rarely found in the world. Moreover slips in rocky hills. The caves are hidden between rocks enriched by vegetation and biota. Paintings and prehistory human inheritance give more clues about their civilization, the ancestors of humans. Archeologist defection tells many things.
Dutch archeologists, Mr. Van Heekeren and Ms. Palm Heeren, are two pictures founder of Pettae and Petta Kere Cave, two caves in Leang-leang, in 1950. Red is dominant color there. They interested to the prehistoric monument and immediately reconstruct the story behind the making of pictures.
Pettae Cave faces to west. Mouth of the cave is eight meters high and 12 meters wide. Heritage that was found in this cave are five hand palm picture, a jumping pig picture with a dart in it chest, splinter, knife blade, and a clamshell deposited at the mouth of the cave. To reach this cave you have to climb 26 stairs.
Meanwhile, Petta Kere Cave is 300 meters beside the Pettae Cave. The mouth of the cave also faces to northwest. There is a terrace in front of the cave with one or two meters width that function as a front yard. Heritages that found in this cave are two pig pictures, 27 hand pictures, blade flake tools, and arrow. To reach this cave you have to climb 64 stairs.
The pictures on cave walls and tools that they left told their social lives, including the activities of their beliefs at that time. One of the pictures is a hand stamp, a member tribe's hand that had followed ritual cut finger. The ritual was done as a sign of sorrow over the death of his family.
The archeologists estimate, the pictures had been created around 5000 years old. The caves were inhabited around 8000 to 3000 B.C. The red pictures made from natural materials that can strongly seeped into stone pores so that can not be erased and endure thousands of years.
The existence of the caves also told about prehistoric human migration and it environment at that time. Sulawesi Island is a strategic area in the track of migration routes from the mainland of Asia to the south Pacific. The caves was ideal place for shelter, either as a residence or just transit.
Meanwhile, skin-clamshell deposited at the mouth of the cave shows, when people live in the cave, high of the sea water surface was 80 meters from the mainland have now.
The girth area of Leangleang is very beautiful. The most visible is the cliff-edge of high-pitched. Not far from that place, plantations unfold with seasonal plants. Shady trees become dominant scene. Fresh air blended with voice of flowing water in river. At this location there are four gazebos that can be used for rest.
Leangleang Prehistoric Park located about 12 kilometers eastern Maros regency capital, or 32 kilometers north of Makassar. There are several ways to reach this tourism object. With rent car or public transport.
With private cars or rent car, you can through to Reformasi highway or Port highway, and then follow the entrance to Sutami highway, next to Maros. From Maros take the direction to Bantimurung. Also can through Perintis Kemerdekaan Road or without going to the highway.
With public transport, you can start the trip from Daya Regional Bus Station, take transportation to Maros. Get off at the Maros terminal and connect to Bantimurung.
In addition four gazebos, there are no hotels in the area. Lodging is available only in Bantimurung. Similarly, shop sells several purposes.
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Accera Kalompoang
TRADITION of Gowa Kingdom that still been held until now is the cleansing of kingdom legacy inheritance. The cleansing is done with a traditional ceremony namely Accera Kalompoang. Inheritance properties are very rare even perhaps the only one in the world.
Ceremony Venue
Accera Kalompoang is held at Balla Lompoa Museum, Gowa Palace Complex, in Sungguminasa, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. This location is about 12 kilometers from Makassar city centre City (Karebosi Field).
Accera Kalompoang is held every Idul Adha (sacrifice feast). All stakeholders and indigenous descendants of the Gowa King gathered in Balla Lompoa Museum. This museum was the main building of the former residence of Gowa Kings.
There are 15 types of legacy that should be cleaned. Procession begins with removing the items from the storage area. Brought and accompanied by typical music of Gowa. Legacies are brought one by one by the adolescent male relatives of Gowa Kingdom. They accompanied by dozens of girls who wear traditional clothing.
The cleansing ceremony is led by the last descendant of Gowa King. He is accompanied by seven traditional elders. Then, one by one legacies of the kingdom is washed with water considered as sacred. The water is taken from a well in Sultan Hasanuddin's tomb a day before.
Inheritance properties are:
Salokoa: crown made of pure gold
Panyanggayya barangan: rattan spear with ponytail
Lasippo: scrap iron chopping knife
Tatarapang: bejeweled kris
Sudanga: weapons, which is always taken by the king
Ponto jangajangayya: a gold bracelet dragon head-shaped
Kolara: greatness necklace
Bangkarak taroe: pure gold earrings
Kancing gaukang: gold buttons
Berang manurung: three golden spear and long chopping knife
Necklace from Zulu Kingdom since 16th century
Pure gold penning from United Kingdom since 19th century
Gold medal from Netherlands Kingdom since 19th century.
Salokoa is considered as most sacred object. The crown is made of pure gold with 30 centimeters diameter and with 250 diamond grains. In this ceremony, the crown is taken into account. Uniquely, every year the weight is change. Sometimes increased, sometimes reduced. The origin weight is 1,768 grams.
Some people believe the heavy of crown determined their future. If the weight reduces, Gowa will be in disaster. However, if it increases, Gowa will be in prosperous.
In 2003, the weight of the crown is dramatically reduced. In April 2004, the crater of Bawakaraeng Mountain collapse brought millions cubic meters of mud and lunged on three villages in Moncongloe District. Hundreds of people and livestock buried. Thousands hectares of gardens destroyed. You may believe, may not.
Balla Lompoa can be reached by public transport, taxis, or hotels transportation facilities.
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Maudu Lompoa
TO reveal gratitude to God and hope to get more prosperity in the future, Galesong fishermen held a party called Patorani Galesong. This is a traditional festival gala. Thousands of people attended and many types of typical food are served.
Ceremony Venue
The ceremony held in Galesong Beach, Galesong District, Takalar Regency, Province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is located about 20 kilometers from Makassar city centre (Karebosi Field).
Appanaung Ri Je'ne is a peak of glorious custom ceremony namely Patorani Galesong. This is a procession to lead fishermen boats to the sea signing of hunting season, especially looking for flying fish eggs. Then Galesong fishermen sailed to the waters far.
Patorani Galesong ceremonies conducted during a week before end to the party. Patorani Galesong Processions are Accini Allo (see the good days to go down to sea), Abbeso' Biseang (pull the boats from the coast to the mainland), Annisi Biseang (a procession to prepare the fishing equipment up for six days), Apparada (paint the boats in order to looks more bright), Angngalle Leko Kaluku (preparing coconut leaves as a flying fish eggs wrappings), and Appanai Pakkajang (fill the boat with supplies).
The biggest ceremony namely Appanaung Ri Je'ne (encourage the fishing boat to the sea and sing traditional songs). Then Appassili (procession to float offerings to the sea) and Allappasa (release the fishermen to sea with wave of the family).
Galesong Fishermen Party has been set as the annual tourism agenda by the Government of Takalar Regency. This fishing party is continued with Maudu Lompoa ceremony to commemorate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. The tourism agenda is called Week of Maudu Lompoa and Fishermen Party.
Galesong Beach can be reached by taxi or hotel transport facilities.
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Modification honda vario 2007
Initial concept of a project modification would be a key condition before starting the destruction. With the theme it then all the changes both large and small must be done. But if there is a radical change in the middle of the road? Do not panic! If you meet smart builder will certainly be able to produce work cool
For instance that occurred in this Honda Vario. "We design and workmanship of fiber with the concept of full body leads to an elegant low rider. But because the owner of Yamaha X1 smitten with the handlebars, so must appropriate again," said Rony Wijaya, master Matic Project (MP) in Cimahi, Bandung.
Yamaha Thailand handlebars of duck it was condensed aromatic racing. Elegant See you racing? Smart smart should incorporate. "So we got dizzy. Moreover workmanship body has done," added the father of this child.
But with some new adjustments in the hollow body, all that can be overcome. For example making body at the stern. "I've had a bit pointy and so harmonious with the handlebars raised earlier," said Dadan AR, Rony partner in running the shop on Jl. Encep Kartavirya, No. 124, Cimahi, Bandung.
In the aftermath also added great views thanks to the stop lamp and a custom LED display. "It is details like this that need to be let remain harmonious. Moreover, because the basic form it has been made," said Rony again.
The concept of low rider certainly be retained. "Because of that rim width and backwards to keep using," said the portly man was. Because it only uses 6 inch rim width at the rear axle does not need too much shifted. Simply 15 cm only.
After all perfectly assembled, the new MP team deh again reinforcing the impression that the original purpose was. The choice fell on the color of burgundy with the addition of several gold-leaf accents. clean
The impression that emerged after painted, skubek this Honda looks elegant and expensive. "Especially after wearing snakeskin motif upholstery layers," Ronny proud.
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Ekowisata Membantu Pelestarian Hutan
Ecotourism atau ekowisata dapat membantu pelestarian hutan. Salah seorang delegasi dari Kamboja dalam acara International Youth Forum On Climate Change, di JCC Jakarta mengungkapkan hal tersebut pada sesi Komodo, Biodiversity, Climate Change, pada Kamis (24/2/2011).
"Kami punya ekowisata untuk menjaga hutan. Namun hutan ditebas untuk kebutuhan tambang," katanya.
Ia mengatakan ekowisata yang dikembangkan tersebut hanya bertahan satu tahun karena hutan diubah menjadi lahan pertambangan. Pihaknya bertahun-tahun mencoba mempengaruhi pemerintah untuk mempertahankan hutan. Tetapi, usaha ini selalu buntu.
Siti Nuramaliati Prijoni dari LIPI saat menanggapi pernyataan tersebut mengatakan bahwa permasalahan tersebut juga terjadi di Indonesia. Namun, Indonesia mempunyai regulasi yang ketat bila mengubah hutan menjadi kebutuhan lain.
"Saat ini tidak mudah untuk mengkonversi hutan menjadi fungsi lain, seperti pertambangan," kata Siti.
Ia mengaku umumnya pemerintah daerah memerlukan uang secara cepat. Sementara itu, pertambangan menghasilkan uang lebih banyak dan cepat daripada ekowisata.
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Paket Wisata untuk Remaja dan Lansia
Pasar pariwisata bisa jenuh karena tidak adanya produk-produk baru paket wisata ke berbagai destinasi wisata di Indonesia. Karena itu, Kementerian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata mengembangkan program travel pattern.
"Kita fasilitasi pemerintah daerah dan usaha daerah seperti hotel, restoran, dan pengusaha pariwisata untuk membuat pola-pola perjalanan, jadi buat produk-produk baru. Lalu adakan uji coba dan kunjungan langsung ke paket wisata baru itu," kata Dirjen Pengembangan Pariwisata, Firmansyah pada acara pelaporan Rapat Kerja Teknis Destinasi Pariwisata, di Jakarta, Rabu (23/2/2011).
Ia berharap ke depan, pelaku pariwisata tidak menjual paket-paket wisata itu-itu saja. Namun paket-paket baru yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan pasar. "Kita kembangkan paket untuk pelajar atau anak-anak muda. Jadi paket yang terjangkau pada saat masa liburan sekolah. Paket untuk backpacker atau paket murah untuk remaja," tutur Firmansyah.
Selain itu, paket yang dikembangkan adalah untuk para lansia, "Lansia jalan kan gak bisa jauh-jauh, paling ke museum dan lihat-lihat," jelasnya.
Dari riset pola perjalanan tersebut dapat dibuatkan paket wisata yang baru. Sehingga, lanjutnya, daya tarik destinasi wisata dapat dibangun. Karena itu, pihaknya menggandeng instansi pemerintah lain agar ikut mengembangkan destinasi.
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Festival Dongdang This is the first time
Festival 2000, which was centered in the Field Dongdang Tough Faithful, Cibinong, Saturday (26/02/2011), took place lively. Entourage procession participants dongdang which started around 07.00 until 10.30 pm still ongoing. There are many groups pengarak dongdang an unsuccessful pass at the stage of honor.
At the stage of honor, in addition to the jury, they are also welcome people from all corners of the Bogor Regency, among others, is the Regent Rachmat Yasin, Vice Regent Fahturachman Employees, Police Chief Adjunct Commissioner Rahadja Big Dada. Dandim Lieutenant Colonel Arif G Mada, Kajari, Aji Mukri MUI Chairman, and Chairman of the Parliament Ajat Sudrajat.
The participants have prepared in Cibinong since the dawn trying to maintain the integrity of dongdangnya to be crossed in front of pagung honor. To then go to Field Tough Faithful. Many are not able to maintain the integrity of the mengerumun dongdangnya because residents along the driveway can not wait to compete for the content of dongdang.
Contents dongdang varied, ranging from fruits, tubers, vegetables, snacks factory production or SMEs in Bogor, to various typical traditional processed foods Bogor, like dodongkal.
Physical dongdang average houses are on crutches. Besides containing confectionary, dongdang also laden messages or campaigns about the legal conscious, health, discipline civil servants / public, including in paying taxes.
Group buffoonery Cagur (Wendi, Narji, and Denis) became commentator, commenting on the carrier group dongdang with enough funny, make a group dongdang grinning kala "kesentil".
Crowd of thousands of people still crowded the Faithful Tough Field and surrounding areas. Apparently they are still waiting for the spiritual and musical entertainment events tauziah commemorate Prophet Muhammad SAW, which will take place after prayers dzuhur. There are still many people picking the former dongdang to look for snacks that can still be retrieved.
Bogor Regent Rachmat Yasin said the purpose of organizing this festival is to raise public awareness of togetherness and harmony, besides associated with Visit Bogor 2011.
"This is the party of the people. When people already are in agreement and one soul in togetherness, community programs to be easily implemented,
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Pullman launches five star international brand in Bali
Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana has this week launched as the only five star, resort style hotel, linking the prime entertainment and shopping areas of Kuta and Legian.
Pullman announced its entry into the Indonesian market with Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana opening the doors to guests for its first 140 of 353 rooms on February 24, 2011. The balance will open over the next few months.
It is strategically located opposite the white sands of Legian Beach, and within easy access to many of the area’s retail, dining and entertainment options. Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana offers numerous guest rooms overlooking both Kuta and Legian beaches, or lush courtyard gardens and pool views.
The design of Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana is inspired by the frangipani flower which is native to the island, invoking a sense of urban living with exotic accents and a design-form that will have guests wanting to explore all corners of the hotel’s confines and resort’s facilities.
Discover the meaning of hospitality
Spreading its iconic message of 'Check in - Chill out', this full service resort style hotel offers 353 well appointed rooms and suites, restaurants and bars, premium conference spaces, full fitness facilities and the latest mobile technologies enabling guests to stay connected.
All accommodation is designed with attention to detail, from the deluxe Pullman bedding, iPod dock, LCD flat screen, WiFi hotspot and broadband internet connection, right through to a personal yoga mat in every room. The guest rooms at the Pullman Hotel are a genuine oasis of comfort, with connectivity, where travelers can relax and recharge their batteries.
Ultimate Relaxation at Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana
Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana will open its spa in late February 2011 and offers traditional spa services including Balinese massage, Tjakra art movement, warm stone massage, purifying Swedish massage, reflexology, and foot massage. Starting on April 1st, 2011, the spa services will be extended to a wellbeing concept, where - among other innovative offer based on bio energy – there will be a vitality pool and hydrothermal therapies, and non-invasive holistic treatments.
Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana has both a garden swimming pool with a spacious sun deck as well as a roof top infinity pool, and sun deck, providing an ideal spot to take in breath-taking sunsets.
Philippe Battle, General Manager, Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana comments on the hotel. “We are delighted to be opening the Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana and bringing a new generation of hotel for visitors to Bali. The Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana like hotels of the brand around the world, is designed with today’s modern traveler in mind with smart use of technologies, reinvented services that focus on indulgent yet efficient stays, and facilities that will appeal to leisure travelers from all parts of the globe as well as events participants and their organisers.
Creativity and contemporary dining at its finest
Step within, for a privileged moment in “Deli @ Pullman”, where the guests will be embraced by the charm of a paradise smile, a dedicated instant – from the heart of a spiritual influence. It is a distinguished Brasserie style restaurant, offering a delightful “a la carte” menu, reflecting French culinary heritage, inspiration from centuries of fine cuisine made for today’s delivery. Hotel guests can also enjoy a large selection of fine wines, antipasti and tapas at IP, the trendy roof top bar.
Impeccable facilities for meetings and events
The hotel offers a perfect setting for high impact, medium sized, meetings and events. The hotel has facilities to cater for up to 350 guests in facilities and services specifically designed for incentive and retreat style meetings. The complimentary 'Chill-out' space is designed cleverly for such opportunities - to relax and socialise before, after, or during events. A dedicated Pullman Event Manager is ready to handle every detail with creativity and precision, while the IT Solutions Manager is on hand to deliver all the multimedia and technology requirements needed.
Gerard Guillouet, Vice President for Accor in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, said, “Tourism in Indonesia and in Bali in particular, is enjoying a period of extraordinary demand, driven by strong growth from the domestic market as well as short haul destinations in Asia Pacific. This strong demand factor when combined with opportunities in the affordable five star segment in the central tourist areas, made a compelling reason to launch the Pullman brand first in Bali. Accor is the largest international operator of hotels in Indonesia and now has comprehensive brand presence on the island of Bali with hotels covering all segments, and with six hotels operating.”
Bali has continued to become a primary destination for foreign and domestic tourists. Data from Statistics of Bali Province (BPS Bali) revealed that the number of foreign tourists coming to Bali during January to December 2010 has reached around 2,600,000 foreign visitors, increasing by around 8 percent compared to the same period in 2009. Meanwhile, an estimated 3 million domestic tourists came to Bali in 2009 (data from Bali Tourism Authority, 2010). The increase shows that the Balinese tourism sector development has an impact on hotel establishment in the province of Bali. To accommodate visitors – business travellers and tourists - developments of hotels are continuously taking place.
Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana is located only 20 minutes from the Ngurah Rai airport. It is set in a natural, green, tranquil and tropical oasis across from the Legian beach-front and close to the heart-beat of Bali’s shopping and night life areas. Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana room rates start from USD116++ per night.
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Wings Air Expands Fleet
Wings Air, a subsidiary of Indonesia’s largest airline Lion Air, has confirmed the purchase of 15 new planes from Avions de Transport Régional, a French-Italian aircraft manufacturer.
The ATR 72 series 500 turboprops are expected to go into service flying short-haul flights to smaller destinations to feed its parent company.
Wings Air commissioner Rusdi Kirana, who is also president director of Lion Air, said the company was “proud to expand and develop transportation capabilities in Indonesia.”
“ATR aircraft have become very popular in Indonesia because they play a key role in business development and tourism, as well as linking the islands in Indonesia,” Rusdi said.
Wings purchased 15 ATR planes in 2009 with an option to buy the additional 15 aircraft.
ATR’s CEO Filipo Bagnato said it was “consolidating a partnership with Lion Air and Wings Air, and we are pleased to witness the success of one of the leading airlines in Southeast Asia.”
Present at the signing ceremony were Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa, Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo and Christine Lagarde, the French minister for economy, finance and industry.
It is the first ministerial visit by the French in 14 years.
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Kiai Maja Grave and Jaton Viilage
KIAI Maja was a spiritual figure who joined forces with Prince Diponegoro in the Java War (1825 1830) against Dutch army. He died and his corpse lied on Tondano several years after he was arrested and exiled to the region.
Location of Object
Kiai Maja cemetery located on Jaton Village, Tondano, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. The distance is about 30 kilometers from Manado City.
Grave of the spiritual leader located in a complex with his pupils graves who were exiled together to Tondano. The graves have old character and located on the top of a hill filled with dense of trees.
Jaton is the acronym of Java and Tondano. Village around the tomb is indeed inhabited by descendants of Kiai Maja and his followers who came from Central Java. They lived harmoniously with local people. So that area called Jaton.
The most important aspects of the existence of Kiai Maja cemetery are history and its sociology. In the region, Kiai Maja built a settlement on the grant land of Tondano District authorities. They lived with all customs that brought from Java land.
The newcomers and local citizen spouse and born children. Majority of Jaton resident are Moslem. Now, they harmoniously live with other people of Tondano who embrace Catholic or Protestant.
Kiai Maja Graves and Jaton Village can be easily accessed by public transport. You can start the journey from Manado Bus Station to Tondano. In the area, you can also visit the beautiful Tondano Lake.
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Bledug Kuwu
The Indonesian natural resources are rich for its diversity in nature and culture. There are a lot of tourist spot; one of them is Bledug kuwu which is located in Purwodadi, central java. This place is very unique; it is different from any other tourist object, it is named Bledug Kuwu. In United Stated there’s Salt Lake which came from the silting up of the sea and changed into land. In present time this land use as a testing place for the fastest vehicle in the world. It is different from the one that we have in Indonesia. It is also a nature wonder which no other countries have, it is called Bledug Kuwu. It is located in Kluwu village, kradenan district, Grobogan province. It is named Bledug Kuwu because of its sound that periodically make an explosion sound like Bledug (like an explosion of an artillery from the distance), from the mud bubble together with the coming out of the smoke, gases, and salty water. Through that process it became a land which it was from the bottom of the sea and now it became a mainland that reaches 53 meters height from the sea surfaces. The wide is 45 ha with the minimum temperature of 31° Celsius.
To be able to reach this place, we have to travel through the ground way from Semarang through Purwodadi until reaching the Kluwu village. During the journey we can see beautiful and fertile scenery of the nature, the spread of green rice fields and the blue sky. The beautiful view of the hills so fascinating so that the journey to this place won’t be quite boring, despite our eyes will be widely open and amaze by the scenery of the nature that green and amazing.
When we reach this place there’s a distinction view which is opposite with the view that we saw on the way to get this place. During the journey we can see the beautiful view but when we reach to this place it is so fallow and unfertile. But this kind of condition make this place so special because there is two kinds of conditions that opposite from one to another. Meanwhile we enjoy ourselves with the beauty of the nature; we also can see the local people who earn money as a salt farmer. From the source of salty water of Bledug Kuwu the farmer make it into kitchen salt. The quality of the salt from this area is very popular and it is written down in the history of Surakarta Royal Palace. It can be prove by the statement from the local people. In this area there are small mountains which on top of them let out a yellow mud.
Bledug Kuwu has its own specialty, if you see from the geological site, Dr. AJ Panekoek, stated that all lands that consist of Bledug is belong to alluvial plains (sediment soil or silting up soil) together with the explosion of Bledug, smokes, gases and salty water will come out from it. The sound of explosion happened because the coming out of the volcano which form into mud with grey color or dark grey but if this liquid mix with water it will become white. If you silt up this water eventually it will become lime land. It used to be sea that changed into land because of the erosion of the lime mountain, so the land consists of lime.
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To be able to reach this place, we have to travel through the ground way from Semarang through Purwodadi until reaching the Kluwu village. During the journey we can see beautiful and fertile scenery of the nature, the spread of green rice fields and the blue sky. The beautiful view of the hills so fascinating so that the journey to this place won’t be quite boring, despite our eyes will be widely open and amaze by the scenery of the nature that green and amazing.
When we reach this place there’s a distinction view which is opposite with the view that we saw on the way to get this place. During the journey we can see the beautiful view but when we reach to this place it is so fallow and unfertile. But this kind of condition make this place so special because there is two kinds of conditions that opposite from one to another. Meanwhile we enjoy ourselves with the beauty of the nature; we also can see the local people who earn money as a salt farmer. From the source of salty water of Bledug Kuwu the farmer make it into kitchen salt. The quality of the salt from this area is very popular and it is written down in the history of Surakarta Royal Palace. It can be prove by the statement from the local people. In this area there are small mountains which on top of them let out a yellow mud.
Bledug Kuwu has its own specialty, if you see from the geological site, Dr. AJ Panekoek, stated that all lands that consist of Bledug is belong to alluvial plains (sediment soil or silting up soil) together with the explosion of Bledug, smokes, gases and salty water will come out from it. The sound of explosion happened because the coming out of the volcano which form into mud with grey color or dark grey but if this liquid mix with water it will become white. If you silt up this water eventually it will become lime land. It used to be sea that changed into land because of the erosion of the lime mountain, so the land consists of lime.
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Honda lover PCX Surgical Machine
Community PCX Honda motorcycles in Jakarta pledged themselves under the banner of Honda PCX Owner Community (HPOC) and their validation by the Forum for Makmur Sejati (WMS), Honda Motorcycle Main Dealer Jakarta Tangerang with Astra Honda Motor (AHM) in Rolling Stone Cafe, Kemang , South Jakarta, last weekend. Formed since 6 November 2010, now consists of 55 persons and is recognized as one of Honda's loyal customers.
Chairman HPOC, Krishna Kumar received the official information, today (22 / 2) says that this community was created as a forum for owners of Honda PCX brotherhood in Jakarta. "The event not only HPOC turing, but also a variety of discussion forums between members HPOC," says Kumar.
On the day of declaration, WMS facilitates the entire anggtota HPOC with surgical technical training PCX machine. The event held in the WMS Gunung Sahari, North Jakarta began at 08.00 am, informed about technology and how maintenance PCX.
Kumar added, for other interested users PCX join in the community could directly register HPOC cyberspace forum on Kaskus @ Pocky @ PCX owner Kaskuser community. "Just fill in the data themselves, nopol (the police) and PCX color, then you officially become a member,"concludes Kumar.
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Chairman HPOC, Krishna Kumar received the official information, today (22 / 2) says that this community was created as a forum for owners of Honda PCX brotherhood in Jakarta. "The event not only HPOC turing, but also a variety of discussion forums between members HPOC," says Kumar.
On the day of declaration, WMS facilitates the entire anggtota HPOC with surgical technical training PCX machine. The event held in the WMS Gunung Sahari, North Jakarta began at 08.00 am, informed about technology and how maintenance PCX.
Kumar added, for other interested users PCX join in the community could directly register HPOC cyberspace forum on Kaskus @ Pocky @ PCX owner Kaskuser community. "Just fill in the data themselves, nopol (the police) and PCX color, then you officially become a member,"concludes Kumar.
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Wisata Religi Astana Giribangun
Astana Giribangun adalah sebuah mausoleum bagi keluarga mantan presiden Indonesia ke-2, Suharto. Lokasinya berada di sebelah timur kota Surakarta, Indonesia, tepatnya di Desa Girilayu, Kecamatan Matesih, Kabupaten Karanganyar, sekitar 35 km dari Surakarta.
Makam ini dibangun di atas sebuah bukit, tepat di bawah Astana Mangadeg, komplek pemakaman para penguasa Mangkunegaran, salah satu pecahan Kesultanan Mataram. Astana Mangadeg berada di ketinggian 750 meter dpl, sedangkan Giribangun pada 666 meter dpl.
Di Astana Mangadeg dimakamkan Mangkunegara (MN) I alias Pangeran Sambernyawa, MN II, dan MN III. Pemilihan posisi berada di bawah Mangadeg itu bukan tanpa alasan; untuk tetap menghormat para penguasa Mangkunegaran, mengingat Ibu Tien Soeharto adalah keturunan Mangkunegoro III. Komplek makam ini memiliki tiga tingkatan cungkup (bangunan makam): cungkup Argo Sari teletak di tengah-tengah dan paling tinggi, di bawahnya, terdapat cungkup Argo Kembang, dan paling bawah adalah cungkup Argo Tuwuh. Pintu utama Astana Giribangun terletak di sisi utara. Sisi selatan berbatasan langsung di jurang yang di bawahnya mengalir Kali Samin yang berkelok-kelok indah dipandang dari areal makam.
Terdapat pula pintu di bagian timur kompleks makam yang langsung mengakses ke Astana Mangadeg. Selain bangunan untuk pemakaman, terdapat sembilan bangunan pendukung lainnya. Di antaranya adalah masjid, rumah tempat peristirahatan bagi keluarga Soeharto jika berziarah, kamar mandi bagi peziarah utama, tandon air, gapura utama, dua tempat tunggu atau tempat istirahat bagi para wisatawan, rumah jaga dan tempat parkir khusus bagi mobil keluarga. Di bagian bawah, terdapat ruang parkir yang sangat luas.
Di masa Soeharto berkuasa, di areal ini terdapat puluhan kios pedagang yang berjualan suvenir maupun makanan untuk melayani peziarah dan wisatawan. Namun kini di tempat itu tidak diizinkan lagi menjadi tempat berjualan dengan alasan keamanan dan ketenangan.
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Makam ini dibangun di atas sebuah bukit, tepat di bawah Astana Mangadeg, komplek pemakaman para penguasa Mangkunegaran, salah satu pecahan Kesultanan Mataram. Astana Mangadeg berada di ketinggian 750 meter dpl, sedangkan Giribangun pada 666 meter dpl.
Di Astana Mangadeg dimakamkan Mangkunegara (MN) I alias Pangeran Sambernyawa, MN II, dan MN III. Pemilihan posisi berada di bawah Mangadeg itu bukan tanpa alasan; untuk tetap menghormat para penguasa Mangkunegaran, mengingat Ibu Tien Soeharto adalah keturunan Mangkunegoro III. Komplek makam ini memiliki tiga tingkatan cungkup (bangunan makam): cungkup Argo Sari teletak di tengah-tengah dan paling tinggi, di bawahnya, terdapat cungkup Argo Kembang, dan paling bawah adalah cungkup Argo Tuwuh. Pintu utama Astana Giribangun terletak di sisi utara. Sisi selatan berbatasan langsung di jurang yang di bawahnya mengalir Kali Samin yang berkelok-kelok indah dipandang dari areal makam.
Terdapat pula pintu di bagian timur kompleks makam yang langsung mengakses ke Astana Mangadeg. Selain bangunan untuk pemakaman, terdapat sembilan bangunan pendukung lainnya. Di antaranya adalah masjid, rumah tempat peristirahatan bagi keluarga Soeharto jika berziarah, kamar mandi bagi peziarah utama, tandon air, gapura utama, dua tempat tunggu atau tempat istirahat bagi para wisatawan, rumah jaga dan tempat parkir khusus bagi mobil keluarga. Di bagian bawah, terdapat ruang parkir yang sangat luas.
Di masa Soeharto berkuasa, di areal ini terdapat puluhan kios pedagang yang berjualan suvenir maupun makanan untuk melayani peziarah dan wisatawan. Namun kini di tempat itu tidak diizinkan lagi menjadi tempat berjualan dengan alasan keamanan dan ketenangan.
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Agrowisata Tambi
Agrowisata Tambi terletak di Desa Tambi, Kecamatan Kejajar, Wonosobo. Agrowisata Tambi merupakan usaha pemanfaatan areal perkebunan teh sebagai obyek wisata. Obyek wisata perkebunan teh Tambi terhampar luas dilereng Gunung Sindoro, yang terletak pada ketinggian 1200-2000 meter diatas permukaan laut. suhu rata-rata mencapai 15ºC - 24ºC.
Agrowisata Tambi termasuk tujuan wisata serbaguna, selain sebagai sarana rekreasi dan peristirahatan juga sebagai sarana olahraga dan camping/hiking, Agrowisata Tambi menawarkan pemandangan yang sangat indah, dengan hamparan perkebunan teh, juga sekeliling area berupa daerah pegunungan yang sangat menawan.
Wisatawan dapat memanfaatkan, gardu yang berada di daerah perkebunan teh untuk tempat berteduh yang nyaman, tak hanya itu wisatawan juga dapat belajar bagaimana proses pembuatan teh, mulai dari pemetikan dan pengolahan dengan mengamati secara langsung.
Untuk menuju Agrowisara Tambi, dapat melalui jalur Wonosobo ataupun jalur alternatif temanggung - ngadirejo. Jika menggunkan rute dari Wonosobo, pengunjung dapat memanfaatkan bus jurusan Wonosobo - Dieng Batur dan turun di desa Rejosari, kurang lebih jarak Agrowisata Tambi - Rejosari sekitar 500 Meter kearah timur.
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Agrowisata Tambi termasuk tujuan wisata serbaguna, selain sebagai sarana rekreasi dan peristirahatan juga sebagai sarana olahraga dan camping/hiking, Agrowisata Tambi menawarkan pemandangan yang sangat indah, dengan hamparan perkebunan teh, juga sekeliling area berupa daerah pegunungan yang sangat menawan.
Wisatawan dapat memanfaatkan, gardu yang berada di daerah perkebunan teh untuk tempat berteduh yang nyaman, tak hanya itu wisatawan juga dapat belajar bagaimana proses pembuatan teh, mulai dari pemetikan dan pengolahan dengan mengamati secara langsung.
Untuk menuju Agrowisara Tambi, dapat melalui jalur Wonosobo ataupun jalur alternatif temanggung - ngadirejo. Jika menggunkan rute dari Wonosobo, pengunjung dapat memanfaatkan bus jurusan Wonosobo - Dieng Batur dan turun di desa Rejosari, kurang lebih jarak Agrowisata Tambi - Rejosari sekitar 500 Meter kearah timur.
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Ujungan Tradition
Tradition could be just giving the other colors in each cycle of life. Just as there is a tradition in the area Banyumas, Central Java, occurs when the long dry season. People there will do a ceremony called ujungan., A fact which encourages people to do this ritual, because the majority of Banyumas as farmers and ranchers. When dry season comes, they automatically desperately need water to wet rice fields and watered livestock such as cattle, buffalo, goat, and so forth.
This ritual ceremony in pengejawan-resistance is a result of the representation of martial arts, which is then implemented with a pair of fights at the adult males using equipment such as rattan as a tool. They believe by doing rituals ujungan will accelerate the fall rain. For that players must reproduce ujungan punches on his opponent to bleed. Because in their view a
more and more blood came out, there is a belief rain will fall faster. Tradition held on prey vessel (fourth) and Ben (fifth) in the dry season. As one condition, participants were adult men who have the ability to withstand the pain of caned as well as during an impact with the opponent.
According to public confidence Banyumas in particular, the tradition of this ujungan appear before the Dutch came and occupied this archipelago. At that time, the purpose of convening ujungan tradition is to beg or ask for rain to God the giver Rezeki. But the Dutch era, the tradition of community ujungan Banyumas then used as a means of self-defense exercises in order to foster the mental and physical fighters, especially in the fight against invaders. This tradition eventually contribute (more or less) gave birth to the fighters of the nation. In the era of the 1950s, the tradition evolved as a forum ujungan then search the martial warriors. Anyone who can win in this battle ujungan, the social status will rise and become prominent in their environment. For this reason many people are interested in becoming a player ujungan, both of Banyumas and other areas in the vicinity. Even this tradition also enthused by the martial arts warriors from the Batavia area, Tanjung Priok, Cakung, Tambun, Cikarang, and others.
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This ritual ceremony in pengejawan-resistance is a result of the representation of martial arts, which is then implemented with a pair of fights at the adult males using equipment such as rattan as a tool. They believe by doing rituals ujungan will accelerate the fall rain. For that players must reproduce ujungan punches on his opponent to bleed. Because in their view a
more and more blood came out, there is a belief rain will fall faster. Tradition held on prey vessel (fourth) and Ben (fifth) in the dry season. As one condition, participants were adult men who have the ability to withstand the pain of caned as well as during an impact with the opponent.
According to public confidence Banyumas in particular, the tradition of this ujungan appear before the Dutch came and occupied this archipelago. At that time, the purpose of convening ujungan tradition is to beg or ask for rain to God the giver Rezeki. But the Dutch era, the tradition of community ujungan Banyumas then used as a means of self-defense exercises in order to foster the mental and physical fighters, especially in the fight against invaders. This tradition eventually contribute (more or less) gave birth to the fighters of the nation. In the era of the 1950s, the tradition evolved as a forum ujungan then search the martial warriors. Anyone who can win in this battle ujungan, the social status will rise and become prominent in their environment. For this reason many people are interested in becoming a player ujungan, both of Banyumas and other areas in the vicinity. Even this tradition also enthused by the martial arts warriors from the Batavia area, Tanjung Priok, Cakung, Tambun, Cikarang, and others.
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MIE ONGKLOK - Delicious Culinary Icon of Wonosobo
That small stall in front of a house in Pasukan Ronggolawe Street, Wonosobo, seemed not special. The place was just average and its properties were not luxurious. However, most of the people of Wonosobo referenced this place, often called Mie Ongklok Longkrang, as the right place to get delicious Mie Ongklok. Just like the other type of noodle dishes, the main ingredient was noodles and vegetables. The difference was if others use sawi (green cabbage), mie ongklok use cabbage and garlic chives. If the noodles and vegetables were boiled first, then making mie ongklok was different. The seller put the noodles, cabbage and garlic chives in a kind of bamboo sieve and then ongklok-ongklok it (repeatedly dip it into boiling water).
The gravy was also different. Noodles and vegetables were arranged in a bowl and then poured by two kinds of sauce. The first sauce was a thick brown sauce made from a mixture of cassava quintessence, brown sugar, dried shrimp, and other secret recipes. After that, the noodles poured with peanut sauce dressing and then added with some pepper powder and fried shallot. A bowl of mie ongklok was ready to eat. It was savory and slightly sweet. A thick sauce gave unique sensation on the tongue. If you want it to be spicy, they also provide a bowl of blended green chilies.
Mie ongklok was always served with beef satay. Why beef? Mr. Waluyo who has been serving Mie Ongklok Longkrang for 18 years continuing his father’s business had tried various types of satay, but the beef satay is the most well-matched to be served with mie ongklok. The taste and texture of the meat is considered the best. Tempe kemul (another traditional food of fried tempe with flour) and cireng aka aci goreng (fried tapioca flour) are some other side dishes. All of them bring an extraordinary taste and are guaranteed to make your tongue melted because of the deliciousness.
The portion was small, which made YogYES very grateful, made it perfect as an afternoon meal between lunch and dinner. Nevertheless there’s no prohibition to order extra portions if you're really hungry. Mie ongklok are also good for your health. Garlic chives were scientifically proven as an anti-hypertension. This is caused by tetrametiloksamida and ester 17- etadekadesenil on it. The anti-hypertensive effect is equivalent to atenolol dose of 25 mg often prescribed to reduce hypertension. Meanwhile, cabbage is known to have many healthy effects since the days of Hippocrates in 460-377 BC. The content of active sulforafan substance and its histidine can inhibit tumor growth, prevent rectum and colon cancer, detoxifications of dangerous chemical compounds, and increase endurance to fight cancer. Moreover, the sulfur’s amino acid content lowering the high cholesterol levels, calm the nerves, and uplifting the energy. So do not underestimate a bowl of mie ongklok, because it has many incredible healthy effects.
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The gravy was also different. Noodles and vegetables were arranged in a bowl and then poured by two kinds of sauce. The first sauce was a thick brown sauce made from a mixture of cassava quintessence, brown sugar, dried shrimp, and other secret recipes. After that, the noodles poured with peanut sauce dressing and then added with some pepper powder and fried shallot. A bowl of mie ongklok was ready to eat. It was savory and slightly sweet. A thick sauce gave unique sensation on the tongue. If you want it to be spicy, they also provide a bowl of blended green chilies.
Mie ongklok was always served with beef satay. Why beef? Mr. Waluyo who has been serving Mie Ongklok Longkrang for 18 years continuing his father’s business had tried various types of satay, but the beef satay is the most well-matched to be served with mie ongklok. The taste and texture of the meat is considered the best. Tempe kemul (another traditional food of fried tempe with flour) and cireng aka aci goreng (fried tapioca flour) are some other side dishes. All of them bring an extraordinary taste and are guaranteed to make your tongue melted because of the deliciousness.
The portion was small, which made YogYES very grateful, made it perfect as an afternoon meal between lunch and dinner. Nevertheless there’s no prohibition to order extra portions if you're really hungry. Mie ongklok are also good for your health. Garlic chives were scientifically proven as an anti-hypertension. This is caused by tetrametiloksamida and ester 17- etadekadesenil on it. The anti-hypertensive effect is equivalent to atenolol dose of 25 mg often prescribed to reduce hypertension. Meanwhile, cabbage is known to have many healthy effects since the days of Hippocrates in 460-377 BC. The content of active sulforafan substance and its histidine can inhibit tumor growth, prevent rectum and colon cancer, detoxifications of dangerous chemical compounds, and increase endurance to fight cancer. Moreover, the sulfur’s amino acid content lowering the high cholesterol levels, calm the nerves, and uplifting the energy. So do not underestimate a bowl of mie ongklok, because it has many incredible healthy effects.
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Klewer Market
Off the west gate of Karaton's North Square, this old market selling all kinds of fabrics, predominantly batik. Other traditional fabrics are lurik (hand-woven striped cotton cloth) and tenun ikat. There are hundreds of shops jammed along narrow passageways. The visitors must be prepared to bargain. Batik cloths and garments, hand-woven fabrics, traditional and local jewelry, leather puppets, basketry, tortoise-shell accessories, trinkets, brassware and other decorative items, and all kinds of antiques are local specialties. Souvenir and art objects are available in all major towns of Central Java, mostly in the downtown areas and popular market places or shopping centers.
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Kartini Museum
RA Kartini Museum is the home office environment Regent Apex (Jl Gatot Subroto 8 Apex) - dialun-square town of Jepara.
Is an original building that once inhabited R.A. Kartini and her husband Djojodiningrat, Regent Apex (1889-1912). Until now the building is still used as housing accommodation Regent Apex.
RA Kartini Museum occupies one of the rooms formerly occupied RA Kartini to perform activities, writing ideas and his ideas, as well as where she gave birth to the son of the one who named RM Susalit, and as a private room until he died.
Here visitors can see some old furniture that used RA Kartini; such as bathtubs, bothekan where herbal medicine, sewing boxes, dining table, table baby care, paintings by RA Kartini form of three geese, handwritten manuscript, a pair of baffle Rono room of carved wood a gift from his father, photographs of memories during his lifetime in the vicinity of the museum, adjacent to the eastern gate complex Regent Official House, still standing with a sturdy, old building that was used RA Kartini to teach the children of the earth's son.
This museum keeps objects RAKartini heritage that we know it as a national hero because he is a character who struggles of emancipation Indonesia raise the dignity of women.
Heritage objects that exist dimusium RA.Kartini these are photos RA.Kartini and his family, letters, household furniture, kitchen equipment, etc..
This museum is a historical tour that is perfect for visiting students and students in particular and society in general so they are more aware and familiar with RA.Kartini.
Besides, there are also items on the discovery of the Hindu kingdom and Islam are arranged neatly in the space of Ancient Jepara.
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Is an original building that once inhabited R.A. Kartini and her husband Djojodiningrat, Regent Apex (1889-1912). Until now the building is still used as housing accommodation Regent Apex.
RA Kartini Museum occupies one of the rooms formerly occupied RA Kartini to perform activities, writing ideas and his ideas, as well as where she gave birth to the son of the one who named RM Susalit, and as a private room until he died.
Here visitors can see some old furniture that used RA Kartini; such as bathtubs, bothekan where herbal medicine, sewing boxes, dining table, table baby care, paintings by RA Kartini form of three geese, handwritten manuscript, a pair of baffle Rono room of carved wood a gift from his father, photographs of memories during his lifetime in the vicinity of the museum, adjacent to the eastern gate complex Regent Official House, still standing with a sturdy, old building that was used RA Kartini to teach the children of the earth's son.
This museum keeps objects RAKartini heritage that we know it as a national hero because he is a character who struggles of emancipation Indonesia raise the dignity of women.
Heritage objects that exist dimusium RA.Kartini these are photos RA.Kartini and his family, letters, household furniture, kitchen equipment, etc..
This museum is a historical tour that is perfect for visiting students and students in particular and society in general so they are more aware and familiar with RA.Kartini.
Besides, there are also items on the discovery of the Hindu kingdom and Islam are arranged neatly in the space of Ancient Jepara.
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Bandengan Beach
Tirto Beach Samudro or known by the general public as Bandengan Beach is located 7 km north of downtown. The beach is white sand and crystal clear water is perfect for bathing locations. not infrequently the tourists who come to this object intentionally sea bathing. Generally they are children, teenagers and the State foreign tourists. Usually when the most preferred is in the morning and at dusk the evening which will look stunning panoramic sunset.
At this location, we can relax and sit ria shelter sitting on a beach while enjoying the breeze and the air is still natural (without pollution). Area attractions that land is quite vast and largely overgrown grove of pandanus trees is indeed suitable for youth activities such as camping, beach volley, bicycles relaxed or similar activities. In addition, also in the area of tourism is often used moto cross arena game and kite festival performances both regionally, nationally and internationally. These attractions can be reached easily by public vehicles, for the already available infrastructure of roads that is paved and has no direct public transportation to the location of such attractions. While the typical foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors at these attractions are poached oysters, crab, grilled fish and pindang srani.
According to historical records, Bandengan beach was still closely linked to the life of National Hero who is also leader of women's emancipation RA Kartini beach is an interesting place to be sweet memories for the sons and daughters of the regent of Jepara. A lively girl with answering this Sandpipers during his little trip to the beach every so often is with Royal Dutch Indies namely Mrs. Ovink Soer (resident assistant's wife) with her husband, when the first holiday before the increase took classes RA Kartini and her sisters Roekmini and Kardinah to enjoy the beautiful beach. Kartini and her siblings to follow Mrs. Ovink Soer looking for shells while chasing the waves that reach the foot to avoid them. To Kartini asked what the name of the beach. In answer to the brief "Beach Bandengan" then Mrs. Ovink Soer say in Holland there was almost equal beaches Bandengan beach, there is little difference that the water was cold called Scheveningen. Kartini spontaneously interrupted "... .. then we will call this Bandengan beach with" Klein Scheveningen ".
Starting from the above, then till now Bandengan beach known as Klein Scheveningen (Dutch: Klein means the name of the beach and Scheveningen beach in Holland).
In addition Bandengan Beach is a place that once carved the history of RA Kartini's ideals. On the beach's and Mr. RA Kartini. Abendanon privately held talks related to the application to learn to Holland, although officially ahirnya petition to the Dutch government was withdrawn and the cost already provided for RA Kartini given to the youths came from Sumatra, namely Agus Salim (KH. Agus Salim alm. .)
While it is reported that Bandengan Beach attractions are still there with the legends of the origins keterkaitanya Publications. In the legend it is said that because encouraged a sense of concern about child behavior that naughty / mischievous, then ordered the son of Sunan Muria Amir Hasan went north to an island that appears "kremun-kremun" from the top of Mount Muria. This departure in order to deepen and develop the science of religion. Later designated the island was called Karimun Jawa. In the journey they arrived at the beach there is lots of paya-paya and fish appeal. Until now this place called the Village Bandengan and beach located in the village is also called Bandengan beach.
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At this location, we can relax and sit ria shelter sitting on a beach while enjoying the breeze and the air is still natural (without pollution). Area attractions that land is quite vast and largely overgrown grove of pandanus trees is indeed suitable for youth activities such as camping, beach volley, bicycles relaxed or similar activities. In addition, also in the area of tourism is often used moto cross arena game and kite festival performances both regionally, nationally and internationally. These attractions can be reached easily by public vehicles, for the already available infrastructure of roads that is paved and has no direct public transportation to the location of such attractions. While the typical foods that can be enjoyed by the visitors at these attractions are poached oysters, crab, grilled fish and pindang srani.
According to historical records, Bandengan beach was still closely linked to the life of National Hero who is also leader of women's emancipation RA Kartini beach is an interesting place to be sweet memories for the sons and daughters of the regent of Jepara. A lively girl with answering this Sandpipers during his little trip to the beach every so often is with Royal Dutch Indies namely Mrs. Ovink Soer (resident assistant's wife) with her husband, when the first holiday before the increase took classes RA Kartini and her sisters Roekmini and Kardinah to enjoy the beautiful beach. Kartini and her siblings to follow Mrs. Ovink Soer looking for shells while chasing the waves that reach the foot to avoid them. To Kartini asked what the name of the beach. In answer to the brief "Beach Bandengan" then Mrs. Ovink Soer say in Holland there was almost equal beaches Bandengan beach, there is little difference that the water was cold called Scheveningen. Kartini spontaneously interrupted "... .. then we will call this Bandengan beach with" Klein Scheveningen ".
Starting from the above, then till now Bandengan beach known as Klein Scheveningen (Dutch: Klein means the name of the beach and Scheveningen beach in Holland).
In addition Bandengan Beach is a place that once carved the history of RA Kartini's ideals. On the beach's and Mr. RA Kartini. Abendanon privately held talks related to the application to learn to Holland, although officially ahirnya petition to the Dutch government was withdrawn and the cost already provided for RA Kartini given to the youths came from Sumatra, namely Agus Salim (KH. Agus Salim alm. .)
While it is reported that Bandengan Beach attractions are still there with the legends of the origins keterkaitanya Publications. In the legend it is said that because encouraged a sense of concern about child behavior that naughty / mischievous, then ordered the son of Sunan Muria Amir Hasan went north to an island that appears "kremun-kremun" from the top of Mount Muria. This departure in order to deepen and develop the science of religion. Later designated the island was called Karimun Jawa. In the journey they arrived at the beach there is lots of paya-paya and fish appeal. Until now this place called the Village Bandengan and beach located in the village is also called Bandengan beach.
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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Jatijajar Cave
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north and south ends jutting into the sea in the form of a cape.
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north generally danSebagaimana other tourist objects in Indonesia, which is almost always kept the legend, the Cave Jatijajarpun no exception. Words that have a story, this Jatjajar Cave in the past is a place of meditation Kamandaka Raden, who then got wangsit. Kamandaka Raden this story became known to legend Lutung Kasarung. Visualization of these legends can be seen in a diorama that is in that cave.
Enter into this cave, however there is a sense degdegan. Imagine! Because he felt like stepping into a dinosaur ancient animal's mouth. Add more if you imagine the horror dark atmosphere in the belly of the dinosaur. But anxiety was quickly lost, because the room was illuminated by electric lights from end to end. Although the cave's mouth wide enough, but the dinosaur's stomach even more. On the ceiling there is a hole for ventilation. In the middle there is a circular chair seating guests while enjoying the beauty and ornament Stalactite and dioramas stalagnit Lutung Kasarung legend.
Once satisfied watching this presentation, followed by a trip down the stairs to the room that is part of the tail of the dinosaur. Within this space, you can see the springs called Sendang. Number 4 is being such a fruit, that is Sendang Rose, kantil, Jombor and Puserbumi. Rose is being trusted has supernatural powers that can make a person stay young, so every visitor is always the time to wash the face with water that Sendang Rose. ends in the south bay to the sea in the form of a cape.
Filled with a sense of wonder and awe, without feel you've traveled 250 yards down the dinosaur's stomach. Fantastic is not it? And that's the truth. Not only that, even without your awareness, you have entered into the bowels of the earth as deep as 40 meters. Truly a relaxing adventure that could only be sampled at Jatijajar Cave Park.
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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north and south ends jutting into the sea in the form of a cape.
Your tour in Central Java will not be complete if you have not visited the district Kebumen. Because the district is known as producer of bird's nest Swiftlet holds many tourist objects very interesting to visit. Call it for example, Jatijajar Cave Park is located 21 kilometers to the south Gombong, or 42 kilometers west Kebumen.
Jatijajar cave at the foot of limestone mountains. This tourism object is very interesting indeed. This limestone mountain range stretching from the north generally danSebagaimana other tourist objects in Indonesia, which is almost always kept the legend, the Cave Jatijajarpun no exception. Words that have a story, this Jatjajar Cave in the past is a place of meditation Kamandaka Raden, who then got wangsit. Kamandaka Raden this story became known to legend Lutung Kasarung. Visualization of these legends can be seen in a diorama that is in that cave.
Enter into this cave, however there is a sense degdegan. Imagine! Because he felt like stepping into a dinosaur ancient animal's mouth. Add more if you imagine the horror dark atmosphere in the belly of the dinosaur. But anxiety was quickly lost, because the room was illuminated by electric lights from end to end. Although the cave's mouth wide enough, but the dinosaur's stomach even more. On the ceiling there is a hole for ventilation. In the middle there is a circular chair seating guests while enjoying the beauty and ornament Stalactite and dioramas stalagnit Lutung Kasarung legend.
Once satisfied watching this presentation, followed by a trip down the stairs to the room that is part of the tail of the dinosaur. Within this space, you can see the springs called Sendang. Number 4 is being such a fruit, that is Sendang Rose, kantil, Jombor and Puserbumi. Rose is being trusted has supernatural powers that can make a person stay young, so every visitor is always the time to wash the face with water that Sendang Rose. ends in the south bay to the sea in the form of a cape.
Filled with a sense of wonder and awe, without feel you've traveled 250 yards down the dinosaur's stomach. Fantastic is not it? And that's the truth. Not only that, even without your awareness, you have entered into the bowels of the earth as deep as 40 meters. Truly a relaxing adventure that could only be sampled at Jatijajar Cave Park.
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Supported By : | Lintang Buana Tourism Services || || |
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